Our Story

Welcome to Letters to Jane! ✨
Inspired by my beautiful mama, Jane, I can’t wait to share all things lettering and calligraphy. Whether you’re a bride, a home decor enthusiast, dog lover or just love a good design, I’m so excited you’re here!
My Story
I have been a creative person my whole life. When I
was a child my creativity was channeled into being an expressive and loud tiny human (those who knew me call might describe it more as extremely dramatic but that’s neither here nor there.) I’ve always been interested in creating with my hands as well and that creativity was cultivated early on through my grandmother (my namesake) who was a phenomenal artist and loved teaching me and my sister. ⁣
I have to credit my parents the most, however, for my desire and drive to pursue the arts as they encouraged me from the moment I showed interest. They were both performing artists, turned teachers themselves and some of my fondest memories are sitting in the living room listening to them sing together as my mom played the piano. 
I received many of these traits from my mother, Jane, who has become one of my greatest inspirations. She taught me to look at life with never ending passion, empathy, and kindness and to use art as a way to connect us all as human beings. She passed away far too early, but left behind a strong legacy for her six children. From her, I learned that creating things that brought joy to others was my ultimate passion in life. ⁣
When I discovered my talent for calligraphy and design, I knew I wanted to use it to enrich the experiences of others and spread joy in the ways I know how. And all of that led me here, inspiring my mission to create decor that means something, whether it's for the home or for life's most precious events. 
Above all, I thank my family for encouraging and cultivating my talents. Every piece I create is a tribute to my greatest inspiration. Every letter I write is a Letter to Jane. <3